CTFA Annual Report 2022

CHAIRPERSON REPORT W A R R E N V A N N I E K E R K | C H A I R P E R S O N W hat mostly differentiates 2022 from the years preceding is that whilst COVID related topics remained relevant, other high impact economic, climate and political related challenges were on the forefront, with events such as strikes, floods, political tension, the upcoming elections, as well as the ongoing and ever-increasing Eskom woes, taking center-stage. At the CTFA, 2022 continued to be a very challenging year, however, it was a very productive and significant year, with a number of highlights. One of these highlights was the CTFA’s conversion from an association to a registered company. This transition not only ensures that the CTFA carries sufficient gravitas as an organisation, but also improves governance structures. This ultimately ensures that the CTFA, its Board of Directors, and its committees, are fit for purpose and in the best possible position to serve the interests of not only the CTFA, but that of its members and the industry. Another highlight was the CTFA’s renewed commitment to continue supporting those in need, as part of our CSR initiatives, and in this regard, I am delighted to confirm that the CTFA will continue its relationship with Look Good Feel Better (NGO), an amazing non-profit organisation that supports cancer-patients to look and feel comfortable and cared for. For this coming year and under the operational leadership of Adelia, the CTFA will remain focused on maintaining a sustainable world class organisation and industry. Its relationship with all its stakeholders remains paramount and additional focus will be on strengthening African and international partnerships. Last but not least, the CTFA will continue to serve as the trusted industry partner by providing expert regulatory expertise to its members, with a focus on adding value. This year will, no doubt, bring its own unique challenges and without a crystal ball, it is very difficult to predict exactly what 2023 will hold. What is certain and has been demonstrated time and time again, is the resilience of South Africa and her people. With the support of our members and my fellow Directors, I am confident that 2023 will be a great success. In closing, I would like to thank my fellow Directors and all our Members for your ongoing support and wish you all the very best for the year to come. Best regards Warren van Niekerk | Chairperson COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 03