CTFA Annual Report 2022

CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP: Full Members This category includes; Brand owners, Distributors, Importers and Exporters of finished goods. Manufacturing Members This category includes; Manufactures and Contract Manufactures of toiletry cosmetic products. Associate Members This category includes; Suppliers of ingredients, raw materials, packaging etc., not involved in production, sales and marketing. It also includes companies, associations, Academic Institutions affiliated to the cosmetic industry who do not produce or distribute cosmetic products. Retail Members This category includes; retail outlets with their own private label brands. HOW DO I BECOME A MEMBER? Simply contact us and we will set up a free consultation at our offices, so that we can understand your particular business and product range/ ranges.  Should there be a perceived benefit for both parties, we would then encourage you to become a Member and assist you to comply with all regulations.  Enquiries: Email - info@ctfa.co.za  | Website - www.ctfa.co.za COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 17