CTFA Annual Report 2022

Since inception, the purpose of the Cosmetic, Toiletry & Fragrance Association of South Africa (CTFA) has been to guide Members on the South African Regulatory Codes of Practice and Standards and to be a conduit for cosmetic and personal care industry growth. The CTFA works with the industry sector, the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), National Department of Health (NDOH), Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC), Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) and international accredited bodies to ensure alignment for a responsible industry in South Africa.  The CTFA advocates international harmonisation and recognition and has, since 2000, been a member of Cosmetics Europe, the personal care association, based in Brussels. This assists in ensuring that South Africa is kept updated on cosmetics information worldwide. Membership is open to any company distributing and manufacturing cosmetics in South Africa. Companies associated with the cosmetics industry, but not directly involved in distribution or manufacture such as packaging and raw material suppliers, may become associate members. Retailers are also part of the CTFA membership with regards to their private in-house labels. CTFA MEMBERSHIP T he CTFA was formed in 1994 to allow representation of the cosmetics industry by a collective, objective body. The Association represents and promotes the interests of its’ member companies, is an authoritative voice for the South African industry, actively articulates industry viewpoints to government departments, the media and key stakeholders, whilst promoting consumer safety. BENEFITS TO GAIN FROM YOUR CTFA MEMBERSHIP: • The CTFA monitors international regulatory developments and keeps Members updated on the Regulatory Control of cosmetics. • The CTFA provides technical expertise and advice on ingredients, labelling, packaging and product claims. • The CTFA provides the means for dissemination of information on standards set up by working groups/committees. These working groups/committees consist of cosmetic industry experts and representatives from the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS). • The CTFA liaises with the National Department of Health (NDOH) and the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) on product and packaging regulations. • The CTFA liaises with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE) on Bioprospecting and waste management amongst other industry and national initiatives on behalf of members. • The CTFA liaises with the Department of Trade Industry and Competition (DTIC) to assist members with regulatory compliance in relation to exports, imports and expansion into international markets. • The CTFA liaises with the South African Revenue Services and Customs and Excise on Ad Valorem Excise Duty. • The CTFA liaises with the Advertising Regulatory Board of South Africa to ensure the preservation of self-regulation in the advertising space. • The CTFA maintains relationships with and makes representations to the appropriate South African and relevant international governments, legislative or other regulatory bodies, Chambers of Commerce or Trade Associations with regards to matters affecting the interests of the industry. • The CTFA is a member of Cosmetics Europe and has representation on the ISO Cosmetic Committees. • The CTFA assists exporters with the issuing of Certificates of Free Sale. • The CTFA Advises SMEs regarding compliance. • The CTFA extends invitations to Members for workshops, seminars, information and training sessions. • As part of the CTFA membership, there is access to various SABS Standards. WHY IS MEMBERSHIP IMPORTANT? The personal care business sector is innovative, vibrant and competitive coupled with a rapidly moving regulatory environment.  It is, therefore, essential that manufacturers, brand owners, retailers and raw material suppliers are kept abreast of the latest changes and developments.  Importantly, Members are extended the opportunity to be part of the decision-making process that shapes regulations and representations that are made from time to time on behalf of the industry, by being part of CTFA committees and workgroups. COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 16