CTFA Annual Report 2022

AFRICAN ORGANISATION FOR STANDARDISATION (ARSO) In 2022 CTFA worked closely with the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) and Sub-Saharan Task Force (headed by USA and EU trade associations) to encourage a reconsideration of potential trade challenges vertical standards will pose for the African continent. This is an ongoing interaction. The CTFA was invited to be part of the ARSO Technical Working Group on cosmetics and related products (ARSO/THC 05-7). A Chairperson is yet to be elected and the working group which will convene more regularly in the 2023. TRAINING/WEBINARS 2022 One of CTFA’s roles is to improve regulatory knowledge within the industry and to communicate the importance of compliance in a constantly evolving regulatory space. As such, CTFA’s training programme has become a key area of the services we offer. 2022 was no exception and numerous engagements were held with industry to help members understand and interpret the Draft Regulations R.1469 correctly, to ultimately ensure that we have a responsible industry that always places the safety of the consumer first. CTFA and many other companies still focused on virtual training in 2022, this allowed the CTFA to reach a wider audience, and members that would not ordinarily be able to join the training , were able to join virtually. Cosmetic Industry, Guidelines & Best Practice, March 2022: A targeted engagement was held with new members regarding the regulatory landscape in South Africa. The first part of the training gave an overview of the regulatory landscape in South Africa. Even though we are in the self-regulatory environment, we are governed by the provisions in the Foodstuff, Cosmetic and Disinfectant Act, (Act 54 of 1972). The National Department of Health (NDoH) published the Draft Regulations R.1469 in December 2017, which are currently being used to help companies comply with requirements. The CTFA Compendium plays a vital role in providing guidelines for companies. There is no notification, pre-registration or post registration portal. The importance of standards and guidelines was covered in this intervention, focusing on voluntary and compulsory standards; SANS 289, SANS 98 and the Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act 9 of 2014). Responsible Person and Components of a Product Information File (PIF), May 2022: In an effort to support the industry in understanding the requirements of a Product Information File (PIF) and the responsibilities of the Responsible Person (RP), a training session was held to reiterate the importance of preparing for the requirements in the Draft Regulation. The training session looked at who the Responsible Person is and what they are responsible for. The RP is responsible for compliance to regulations, safety assessments, PIF and post market surveillance. The session also provided an overview of the composition and the requirements of a PIF as stipulated in the Draft Regulations Relating to Labelling, Advertising and Composition of Cosmetics, R.1469, published 22 December 2017. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), June 2022: GMP training has become one of the CTFA’s most successful training interventions. It was done over two days, and takes a deep dive in the requirements of GMP as per SANS 22716:2011. This training highlighted the importance of a properly designed facility, staff requirements and training. Practical examples were provided to help enhance the understanding of each department involved in GMP in companies. CTPA (Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association) Webinar, July 2022: The CTFA Executive Director and Head: Policy & Regulatory Affairs presented a webinar, hosted by CTPA. COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 12