CTFA Annual Report 2022

in Botswana. Regulatory models were looked at across different regions including USA and China. Europe was chosen as the base model, and it was mentioned that no impediment to trade was foreseeable if products are deemed safe. New sections have been added to the Medicines and Related Substances (MRS) Bill including the definition of a cosmetic, the definition of a composition, the area and methods of application as well as the function. Of special note is the protective function which will cover sunscreen and “correcting body odour” which will cover deodorants. In addition, obligations were outlined for Brand owners/manufacturers/Responsible Person(RP), distributors, and importers. The Brand owner/Manufacturer/RP is obliged to keep the Product Information File (PIF), ensure compliance to labelling and ingredient selection, inform the Authority on safety and quality issues, provide the safety report, ensure good manufacturing standards and co-operate with Authorities in regulatory actions such as recall. Provisions deleted in the MRS Bill include Registration, Retention, Renewals and Variations. Looking ahead; guidelines will be published to provide guidance on processes such as PIF contents, manufacturing standards, recall procedures and safety report formats. Implementation of a notification portal and some form of market control, the release of published reports on Borderline activity, Listing Process, Medicines and Related Substances Act (MRSA) and its Regulations gazette including Annexes with Prohibited and Restricted Substances, are planned. KENYA BUREAU OF STANDARDS (KEBS) Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) is mandated to offer quality inspection of imports based on Kenya Standards or approved specifications, among other services. KEBS inspects imported goods either in the country of exportation, through the Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) to Standards program, and at Destination or Ports of Entry. The PVoC services are offered on behalf of KEBS by Inspection companies contracted on a three (3) year contract cycle. Goods from different zones or countries will be inspected by specific inspection companies. Based on the contracts that expired in 2022, KEBS had to finalize new PVoC contracts for General Goods with the following inspection companies: 1. SGS (Responsible for South Africa) 2. Bureau Veritas 3. World Standardization Certification & Testing Group (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 4. China Certification & Inspection Group Co. Ltd 5. TUV Austria Turk 6. China Hansom Inspection & Certificate Co. Lt STANDARDS ORGANIZATION OF NIGERIA (SON) CTFA was notified that a standard for the requirements of plastic film use for packaging was being drafted. This standard specifies the quality requirements and methods for testing of Plastic Packaging Dimensions for FMCG Industry. The elaboration of the standard was necessitated by the wide applications and use of Plastic Packaging by the FMCG Industry and the need to Standardise the Plastic Packaging dimensions in order to Protect the Nigerian Consumers against unfair trade practices. The standard is intended to guide manufacturers of the packaging films to ensure production of high-quality products in an environmentally friendly manner and to comply with fair trade practices. MEDICINES CONTROL AUTHORITY OF ZIMBABWE (MCAZ) In 2022, CTFA was informed that Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe (MCAZ) is in the process of drafting cosmetic regulations. Stakeholder consultations will take place next year to solicit input to facilitate drafting of the regulations. EGYPTIAN DRUG AUTHORITY (EAD) In 2022, Egypt adopted the EC 1223/2009 cosmetic regulations. Since February 2022 an online product registration process was in place for the allowance of in-market control. Imported products will need to be registered prior to import. EDA also aims to create a database for cosmetics based on all international standards, (updated on a daily basis), facilitate communication between all dealers in the Egyptian cosmetics market and EDA, and ensure the safety, efficiency and safety of cosmetics traded in the Egyptian market. This will ensure the availability of cosmetics with high standards of safety and quality as well as access to all listing services electronically. The Egyptian Drug Authority (EDA) introduced Cosmetovigilance with guidelines available for cosmetic product companies. COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 11