CTFA Annual Report 2021
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REPORT A D E L I A P I M E N T E L | E X E C U T I V E D I R E C T O R W hile South Africa's medium-term economic outlook improved slightly in 2021, primarily due to improving global conditions, its economic health remained in fragile territory. South Africa's economy grew by 4.6% in 2021, after contracting by 6.4% in 2020, reflecting a strong rebound in mining, manufacturing, and services sectors. The recovery slowed in the second half of 2021 owing to severe COVID-19 outbreaks, power outages, and a rise in social unrest. All these factors contributed to a difficult climate for business to operate in which did not exclude the cosmetic and personal care industry. In this unstable economic climate CTFA’s mission and key roles became even more relevant and pressing, as stakeholder management with both local and international stakeholders assisted in the ongoing communication on overall regulatory compliance and convergence. Notwithstanding, in 2021 the local and international regulatory environment continued with ongoing updates, discussions and mandates. Engagement with the National Department of Health in 2021 regarding the still pending promulgation of the published redraft of the Regulations relating to Labelling, Advertising and Composition of Cosmetics, R.1469, December 2017, proved to be problematic. In 2021 there were changes in key positions at the National Department of Health and this added a further challenge as meetings that were being planned were put on hold, once again. This does not bode well for the industry who would benefit greatly from promulgation occurring sooner rather than later. Continuous communication with the National Department of Health will remain a focus for the CTFA. Apart from the interactions with the National Department of Health, CTFA’s portfolio also involves ongoing networking with various regulatory, legislative and governmental bodies. In 2021 interventions were held with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE), the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) and the Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB), amongst others. CTFA’s interactions with the Department of Trade Industry and Competition (DTIC) are underpinned by bi-monthly meetings with the DTIC Cosmetic Desk. These meetings are held to discuss topics that are mutually beneficial and include exports, levies, regulatory developments and government initiatives that affect industry. COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 05
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