CTFA Annual Report 2021
International Co-operation on Cosmetic Regulations (ICCR) The International Cooperation on Cosmetics Regulation (ICCR) held its 15th Annual Meeting (ICCR-15) from June 21-23, 2021, under the United States Chairmanship. The meeting was held virtually due to travel restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ICCR is a voluntary international group of cosmetics regulatory authorities, comprising the Steering Committee (SC) from Brazil, Canada, Chinese Taipei, the European Union, Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the United States. This group of regulatory authorities meets on an annual basis and holds quarterly teleconferences to discuss common issues on cosmetics safety and regulation, as well as enters into a constructive dialogue with the SC's relevant cosmetics industry trade associations. As stated in the Terms of Reference, the purpose of this multilateral framework is to maintain the highest level of global consumer protection, while minimizing barriers to international trade. In 2021, representatives from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Indonesia, Israel, People’s Republic of China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand, and the United Kingdom participated in the meeting as observers. (ICC R-cosmetic.org/meetings ) CTFA represents the South African cosmetic industry together with the NDoH representative as the regulator at the annual ICCR meetings. The 2021 cycle was concluded with progress in the microbiome and cosmetics work group, the consumer communication work group and Integrated Strategies for Safety Assessment of Cosmetic Ingredients. The microbiome work group finalized scientific vocabulary and definitions relevant to microbiome enhancing products and mapped the future work in the next cycle as possibly exploring the safety consideration for such products. The consumer communication work group produced frequently asked questions on allergens and cosmetics to provide clarity and information to consumers. Integrated Strategies for Safety Assessment of Cosmetic Ingredients work group finalized its terms of reference. African Organisation for Standardisation (ARSO) In 2021, CTFA and SABS partnered with the American National Standards institute (ANSI), to deliver the South African standards framework and its role in the South African regulatory landscape. ANSI’s capacity building webinars are aimed at sharing the various approaches in Africa and the Gulf regions with the intention of revisiting the content and the function of the proposed ARSO draft standards published in 2020. This added weighting to CTFA’s submission of the potential trade challenges that the proposed vertical standards will pose. Africa CTFA continued to build relationships with various African regulators and engaging on matters relating to reasonable and sustainable regulatory reform especially where these stand to affect the import of cosmetic products from South Africa. In 2021, the following countries have either published regulations or have initiated the reform process: Nigeria and Botswana. LOCAL STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT National Department of Health (NDoH) The National Department of Health (NDoH) published the redraft of the Regulations relating to Labelling, Advertising and Composition of Cosmetics, R.1469 in December 2017. CTFA engaged with the Acting Director General of the NDOH in 2020 and confirmed that a promulgation date had not been planned and that the department’s structural proposals made by CTFA had been acknowledged. In 2021, there were changes in the key positions within the NDoH, which posed as roadblocks to CTFA’s plans for engagement. With the acting DG’s appointment, CTFA has established contact with his office and will continue to arrange a meeting to ascertain the way forward for the regulatory oversight of the industry. Department of Fishery, Forestry and Environment (DFFE) In 2021, the following regulations were published. CTFA’s commentary submission in 2020 were considered in the finalization of these regulations. • National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act, 2004 (Act no.39 of 2004) amendments to the regulations regarding the phasing -out and management of ozone depleting substances, Gazette no. 44065, No. 10, 11 January 2021 • National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act no. 59 of 2008): Government gazette 44116 National waste management strategy 2020, Gazette no. 44116, No. 56, 28 January 2021 • National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act no. 59 of 2008): Packaging guideline: Recyclability by design for packaging and paper in South Africa, Gazette no. 45273, No. 1005, 6 October 2021 • National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act no. 59 of 2008): Consultation on the amendments to the Regulations and notices regarding Extended Producer Responsibility, 2020, Gazette no. 45572, No. 1565, 2 December 2020 Chemicals management: • National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 1998 (Act no. 107of 1998): Regulations to domesticate the requirements of the rotterdam convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade, Gazette no.44558, No. 413, 12 May 2021 • National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 1998 (Act no. 107of 1998): Suspension of the implementation of the regulations to domesticate the requirements of the Rotterdam convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade for 12 months, Gazette no. 45502, No. 1513, 18 November 2021 • National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 1998 (Act no. 107of 1998): Regulations to prohibit the production, distribution, import, export, sale and use of persistent organic pollutants that are listed by the stockholm convention on persistent organic pollutants, Gazette no. 44559, No. 414, 12 May 2021 COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 09
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