CTFA Annual Report 2021

the fundamental dossier that will be required once the regulations are promulgated, the product information file, which can be audited by the regulator in future. GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES (GMP) This training session has earned the title of CTFA’s flagship training programme. It is offered over two days where the experts unpack the ISO/SANS 22716 Cosmetic Good Manufacturing Practice standard by providing practical examples and situations to enhance the understanding and implementation within every department related to the manufacture of a product. The well attended training occurred virtually on the 27 and 28 July 2021. CTFA provides support to upcoming entrepreneurs within the industry as part of our contribution to grow and empower the local industry. Such interventions are held on request from the DTIC or the innovation hubs that function as incubators for such entrepreneurs. On the 30 November 2021, CTFA provided an overview of the South African regulatory framework and on the basic principles of GMP to the entrepreneurial companies under Chemistry Incubators (Chemin). LABELLING AND PRODUCT COMPOSITION In August 2021, the ‘Product Labelling’ session was conducted by Carina Dewar (Regulatory Affairs Officer) and Dershana Jackison (Head: Policy and Regulatory Affairs) with a focus on: • SANS 289: Labelling Requirements for Prepackaged Products (prepackages) and General Requirements for the Sale of Good subject to Legal Metrology Control • SANS 98: Ingredient Labelling of Cosmetic Products • Draft Regulations relating to Labelling, Advertising and Composition of Cosmetics, R. 1469, 22 December 2017 PRODUCT CLAIMS AND SUBSTANTIATION WORKSHOP A successful two-day session was held in October, bringing together external experts on product claims and substantiation. On the first day, CTFA’s Dershana Jackison, introduced the regulatory aspects of claims and substantiation followed by Ms. Marlize Lategan (Sefako Makgatho University) and Mrs. Heibrie Le Roux (Future Cosmetics) who presented on the considerations for substantiation methods depending on the product type, target market, application and the claim made. On the second day, Mr. John Knowlton (Cosmetic Solutions) and Dr. Stefan Vos (svmra) provided an extensive and interactive session on typical claims and how the Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) can challenge them. INTERNATIONAL LIAISON WTO Notifications 2021 CTFA subscribes to regulatory notifications from the World Trade Organization (WTO), disseminates relevant notifications to members and highlights the possible impact on business operations or exports. The CTFA received regulatory alert notifications from countries across the world – the most recent notifications from the EU were regarding Benzophenone-3 and Octocrylene, this led to updates in the annexes of the cosmetic compendium, which will come into effect in South Africa after a transition period. A number of regulatory alert notifications were received from other African countries – like Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania, regarding various products like liquid soaps, colognes and hair care products. The Botswana Medicines Regulatory Authority (BoMRA) sent a regulatory notification regarding the cosmetic listing process, to gather information regarding cosmetics that are available in the Botswanan market. This will inform their reform process. International Standards Organisation (ISO) CTFA represents the cosmetic industry at the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS), and more specifically, CTFA is a participating member of SABS/TC 217 – Cosmetics. As such, CTFA is annually nominated to represent the SABS technical committee at the bi-annual International Organization of Standardisation meetings. These meetings were held virtually again in 2021 which enabled more National standards body representatives from around the globe to attend. South Africa participated in the following work group meetings: • Working group 1 – Microbiological test methods • Working group 3 – Analytical methods (Heavy metals) • Working group 7 – Sun protection test methods COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 08