CTFA Annual Report 2021

REGULATORY AFFAIRS D E R S H A N A J A C K I S O N | H E A D : P O L I C Y & R E G U L AT O R Y A F F A I R S C A R I NA D EWA R | R E GU L AT O R Y A F FA I R S O F F I C E R Dershana Jackison Carina Dewar I n 2021, CTFA’s engagement grew with the virtual world of work. The training sessions in the new format were once again well received and we noted that this enabled a growing number of members to attend who would ordinarily not have attended the face-to-face sessions, either due to travel from other provinces or due to the fears around the pandemic. One of CTFA’s roles is to improve regulatory knowledge within the industry and to communicate the importance of compliance in a constantly evolving regulatory sphere. As such CTFA’s training programme has become a key area of the services we offer, and in 2021 we had the privilege of enhancing the experience and expertise as we welcomed Carina Dewar onto the regulatory team. This means that members can now benefit from more than 40 years of industry experience and expertise, between our regulatory experts. We saw a variety of members attending the interventions offered in 2021, which included brand owners, manufacturers, raw material suppliers and distributors. Deep dives into specific topics such as, responsible person, product information file, good manufacturing practices, labelling & product composition and product claims & substantiation were offered. BREXIT UPDATE Brexit, or the exit/ withdrawal of the United Kingdom (UK) from the European Union (EU) was in the making for some time with the UK officially leaving the EU on the 31st of January 2020 with a Withdrawal Agreement (WA). For companies exporting into the EU and the UK, many concerns were raised, with the free movement of goods between the regions officially coming to an end. CTFA reached out to the UK’s Cosmetic, Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CTPA) to shed some light on the regulatory impact of Brexit. Mr Nicholas Shaw Núñez, Head of International Growth & Regulatory Services and Francesca Rapolla, Regulatory Affairs Manager delivered an informative and interesting webinar to CTFA members on Thursday, 28 January 2021. INDIAN REGULATIONS UPDATE On the 11 June 2021, CTFA hosted an informative virtual update session on the Indian Cosmetic Regulations. Rucha Kelkar - Founder, Praha Regulatory Consultants, presented the relevant details on the regulations. The aim was to inform members on the rules relating to import, manufacture, labelling, sale and distribution of cosmetics in India. AFRICAN CONTINENTAL FREE TRADE AREA (AFCFTA) On the 25 June 2021, CTFA hosted an informative and comprehensive virtual session on the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA). Francois Fouche – Executive Director of Growth Diagnostics shared his expertise in a presentation on the introduction and objectives of AfCFTA and what are the implications for industries within the African continent. THE RESPONSIBLE PERSON AND PRODUCT INFORMATION FILE This training, held on the 13 May 2021, reiterated the importance of preparing for the requirements stipulated in the draft regulations and understanding current industry best practice as companies place products on the market. The responsible person is well defined by the National Department of Health in the draft Regulations Relating to Labelling, Advertising and Composition of Cosmetics, R.1469, 22 December 2017. This session itemized the role of the Responsible Person. In addition, the session provided a focused explanation of 1 1 2 2 COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 07