CTFA Annual Report 2020
TECHNICAL COMMITTEE The COVID-19 pandemic did not inhibit the progress or continual engagement of the CTFA Technical Committee. 2020 proved to be a busy and successful year with many regulatory updates being discussed and implemented within the self-regulated framework in South Africa. The experts of the Technical Committee continue to be an important resource for CTFA and the industry, ensuring that the interests of the cosmetic industry and that of consumers are prioritised at all times. ACTIVE WORK GROUPS 2020 • Cosmetic Code Work Group: the objective of which is to ensure that the industry has an updated code of practice. The work group convened to successfully update and submit to the Advertising Regulatory Board the 2020 Cosmetic Code (Appendix B of the Advertising Code of Practice). • Suncare Work Group: The objective of which is to ensure the industry maintains an updated standard for sunscreen taking into consideration the latest internationally accepted test methods. TECHNICAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS Amka Products Grazyna Chmielowska Amway Bosede Nkana Avon Justine Pokazi Tetyana Beiersdorf Njabulo Mthethwa Botanichem Robyn Brown Colgate-Palmolive Babalwa Mantyi & Sikelelwa Gogo Cosmetic Solutions John Knowlton Costech Wayne Van Wyk Givaudan Arshdeep Joshi & Nila Ragha Johnson & Johnson Nontuthulezo Makele & Keshnee Dhanraj L’Oreal Christine Charlton & Percy Sibanda Marico International Ashika Sireeparsad Pick and Pay Reema Maharaj Pierre-Fabre Anel Jansen Van Vuuren Procter & Gamble Nhlanhla Tshabalala Revlon Martin Mason SMU-Sefako Makgatho University Marlize Lategan Unilever Zama Duma • Section 4: Hand sanitiser – was included. • Section 10: ‘Fragrance Ingredient Standards’ was included as a subsection to provide information on fragrance ingredients that are prohibited, restricted or specified according to the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) Standards. Being mindful of transition periods, the update entry is indicated as double entries with associated footnotes explaining the effective date of the update. CTFA together with the technical experts agree on a reasonable transition period which is communicated at the time the updated entries are made. The 2020 Compendium update included the following changes: • Annex updates to include all updates of EC regulations 1223/2009 up until December 2019. New entries and changes have been included with “*” and a footnote has been included, which explains the compliance period for such changes. Please take note of these updates and prepare accordingly when developing or launching new products. • Advertising Regulatory Board (ARB) code annual update for 2020 will be updated in due course. • Section 3: Secondary antibacterial claims - was amended. 15 COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA
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