CTFA Annual Report 2020

The session successfully provided an overview of the regulatory documents as well as details into the importance of a product information file and the role of the responsible person. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP): The GMP session has become known as CTFA's flagship training programme. It encompasses a deep dive into the requirements of GMP as per the SANS 22716:2011, such as: important aspects of facility design, staff requirements and training; and the procedures and checks that are required. The session was successfully conducted by both Dershana Jackison and Yashmay Gordhon in November 2020. As always this training session was attended by a large number of attendees and was well received with significant interactive opportunities and practical examples to further successful implementation of the programme within organisations. Through the various training initiatives, CTFA has continued to provide regulatory guidance and disseminated information to members of the cosmetic industry. The use of virtual online platforms in 2020 meant that we could expand our reach to both members and non-members who participated from various parts of the country and the world. CTFA COMPENDIUM UPDATE The CTFA Cosmetic Compendium remains the cosmetic industry’s reference within a self-regulated environment. In order to ensure that an up-to-date and relevant guideline document is available, CTFA updates the Compendium on an annual basis. 2020’s update was completed in July 2020 and is available on CTFA’s website. The regulatory landscape in South Africa is still undergoing reform from a self-regulatory environment to one that will be regulated by the National Department of Health (NDOH). The draft regulations were published by NDOH on the 22nd of December 2017: Government notice R.1469 Regulations relating to Advertising, Labelling and Composition of Cosmetics (redraft), which is reflected in the CTFA Bridging- the-Gap Compendium. While the industry awaits promulgation of the draft regulations, CTFA continues to guide the industry based on the SABS standards; NRCS standards; Advertising code of practice; the European Legislation (EC Regulations 1223/2009); international guidelines and industry best practice. products. Each trend was explained in terms of regulatory impact and members were made aware of appropriate adherence to regulatory guidelines that should still be prioritized despite the challenges brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic. - Trade in Africa A guest speaker, Calvin Phume, from the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC) was invited to present on trade on the African continent. The role of Trade Invest Africa, an initiative of the DTIC was also further elaborated upon. The session was informative, and of particular interest to members who trade with other African countries - A Focus on African Regulations Dershana Jackison conducted this session, providing details of the many changes to the regulatory guidelines and regulations in Africa, despite the slowing down of trade as a result of the COVID-19 lock-down restrictions. CTFA’s engagement with African countries was detailed for the following countries: Botswana; Namibia; Zimbabwe; Zambia; Mozambique; Kenya; Uganda; Tanzania; Rwanda; Ethiopia; Nigeria; Ghana. - Look Good Feel Better The Look Good Feel Better organization is an important social responsibility organization under the CTFA umbrella. Program Director Christie Fraser provided members of the industry an update on the organization. The industry update session was well-received. The Responsible Person & Components of a Product Information: 14 October 2020 (online virtual training session) The pending promulgation of the National Department of Health’s draft Regulations Relating to Labelling, Advertising and Composition of Cosmetics, R.1469, 22 December 2017, means that the product information file (PIF) will become mandatory. In an effort to adequately prepare the industry and to ensure that companies have PIFs in place and understand the responsibilities assigned to the responsible person within their organisations, the training session in October included the following: - Definition of a responsible person - The responsibilities of the responsible person - Compliance to regulations - The importance of labelling and safety assessment reports - Post-marketing surveillance - The composition of a PIF COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 14