CTFA Annual Report 2020
the issue of borderline claims, with a focus on the following regulatory documents: • Draft Regulations relating to labelling, advertising and composition of cosmetics, R. 1469, 22 December 2017 • Cosmetic Advertising Code of Practice • MCC 2.45 Borderline products – February 2017 The final session of the programme was conducted by an expert on the scientific substantiation of products: Marlize Lategan from Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University. She is responsible for the Photobiology Laboratory at the institution. Marlize provided details of how to substantiate a product claim and the important aspects of scientific methods used for substantiation based on internationally validated and accepted standards. CTFA Cosmetic Industry Update: The CTFA Cosmetic Industry Update was an interesting and informative session delivered by CTFA to industry members in August. This communication was important given the challenges and changes endured in 2020. The objective was to communicate the regulatory impact of various cosmetic industry trends, much of which were brought about by the adaptations made by the industry in order to combat the challenges of the pandemic. Topics for the session included: - Cosmetic Industry Update: COVID-19 The speaker for the session was Adelia Pimentel, who provided members of the industry with the economic impact of the pandemic on the cosmetic industry in South Africa and abroad. The responses of a CTFA member survey that was conducted was detailed to illustrate the impact of the pandemic on the local industry. - Trends in Purchase Decision This session, conducted by Yashmay Gordhon, served to contextualise the information that is available to consumers at the point of purchase, and how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed this. The importance of transparency and consumer safety were themes of this session. - Ingredient and Product Trends during COVID-19 The session was conducted by Yashmay Gordhon, who provided details into the various trends seen in the cosmetic industry including: the heightened awareness for safety and reliability; the use of preservatives; the growing demand for sunscreen and moisturizing hand lotions; the trend of self-care and eye material suppliers and companies alike attend CTFA training sessions for a deeper understanding of the current South African regulatory environment, labelling and claims, product information file, responsible person, good manufacturing practices, industry trends, and a growing list of other aspects. The originally planned training schedule for 2020 was altered in March when the national lockdown was enforced due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To start with, the “Labelling, Claims and Substantiation” scheduled training dates for April in Durban and Cape Town were postponed. Furthermore, in order to adhere to the principles of social distancing while still delivering sessions to the large number of members and non-members who expected to attend them, it was decided that the traditional in-person training would migrate to virtual online sessions. Labelling, Claims and Substantiation: Two separate sessions were held in July for the much requested “Labelling, Claims and Substantiation” training. This was to accommodate members and non-members from Durban and Cape Town who had previously booked in-person training sessions that had to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. These were jointly conducted by Dershana Jackison (Head: Policy and Regulatory Affairs), Yashmay Gordhon (Regulatory Affairs Officer) and Marlize Lategan (Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University: Photobiology Laboratory) The ‘Product Labelling’ session was conducted by Dershana Jackison (Head: Policy and Regulatory Affairs) with a focus on the following regulatory documents: • SANS 289: Labelling Requirements for Prepackaged Products (prepackages) and General Requirements for the Sale of Good subject to Legal Metrology Control • SANS 98: Ingredient labelling of cosmetic products • Draft Regulations relating to labelling, advertising and composition of cosmetics, R. 1469, 22 December 2017 Through detailed analysis and in-depth explanation, both sessions were successfully delivered and allowed for robust discussion between CTFA and the participants. The ‘Product Claims’ session was conducted by CTFA’s Regulatory Affairs Officer, Yashmay Gordhon, who used practical examples of on-pack product claims to illustrate what is permitted on cosmetic products in South Africa; COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 13
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