CTFA Annual Report 2020

The project under discussion is related to performance enhancement using nanotechnology and with a focus on the evaluation of the performance of the particular nanomaterials, Titanium Dioxide and Zinc Oxide. The recommendations taken were for the Preliminary Work Item (PWI) to be revised and for the document to be submitted by the end of December 2020 for further discussion at the 2021 meeting. The projects undertaken by this working group are ongoing and CTFA will endeavour to provide updates as they develop. INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION ON COSMETICS REGULATION (ICCR) The ICCR-14 meeting was held virtually from 7-9 December 2020. CTFA represented the SA cosmetic industry together with the National Department of Health representative. South Africa attends as an observer member country at these regulator and industry meetings. The current working groups include: Integrated Strategies for Alternate Safety Assessments of Cometic Ingredients, Microbiome and Consumer Communications. Reports from these working groups have been endorsed by the regulators and have been posted on the ICCR website. These work groups will continue on new projects in 2021. In addition, the ICCR also surveyed the role the industry has played during the pandemic. The results of the survey show that regulators have enabled the industry to accelerate the manufacture and supply of hand sanitisers to their regions as well as to export these where required. Some jurisdictions have heightened post-marketing surveillance in attempt to curb counterfeit products and to ensure minimum acceptable ethyl alcohol concentration in hand sanitizers. Regulators have also increased communication to educate consumers on misleading claims. REGULATORY INDUSTRY TRENDS CTFA constantly keeps an eye on product and industry trends, as they often influence the need for regulatory reform or the need for CTFA, as an industry association, to provide guidance on emerging trends. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the trajectory of cosmetic and personal care trends in 2020, and a focus was placed away from makeup and onto skincare and at-home beauty products. On the international front, a number of trends have been gaining traction and the South African market has followed suit. These trends prompted CTFA to communicate the importance of regulatory compliance detailing each of the product trends and the responsibility of brand owners, importers and manufacturers to ensure consumer safety. international best practice, as well as input from CTFA's working group consisting of experts from the local industry. CTFA paired the update with communication to members to adequately prepare them for the upcoming change on “free-from” claims in 2021, as well as other changes reflected in the 2020 update. A 2021 update can be expected in June-July. INTERNATIONAL LIAISON WTO NOTIFICATIONS 2020 CTFA subscribes to regulatory notifications from the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and dessiminates these to members where there could be a possible impact on business operations or export. INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ORGANISATION (ISO) CTFA, being a participating member of SABS/TC 217 - Cosmetics, was nominated to represent this technical committee at the annual ISO meeting. This meeting was held virtually which made it possible for a greater number of representatives to be present than previously encountered. The following work groups convened at this meeting, a South African representative was present at each one: Working group 1 – Microbiological test methods: SA adopts new test methods as local SANS standards for use by the industry. Working group 3 – Analytical methods (Heavy metals): Various test methods have been under investigation using various laboratories around the world for international applicability and reproducibility. The test methods currently being finalized include the quantitative analysis of mercury in cosmetics. Working group 7 – Sun protection test methods: Over the last few years, the international scientific community has been researching new and improved test methods for determining water resistance, UVA and UVB test methods. These will likely be adopted in South Africa as part of SANS 1557:2019 sunscreen products in due course. CTFA was also nominated to represent SABS/TC229 – Nanotechnology at the ISO meetings held virtually between the 2nd and the 6th of November 2020. The following work group was attended by CTFA: Working group 5 - Product Applications: Which was specific to the cosmetic industry on the topic of nanomaterials in sunscreen. COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 10