CTFA Annual Report 2020

REGULATORY AFFAIRS Dershana Jackison | Head: Policy | & Regulatory Affairs Yashmay Gordhon | Regulatory | Affairs Officer 2020 was a complex year with much trepidation of the unknown, however, there were still varying degrees of regulatory evolution. Despite the challenges faced by all, both globally and locally, regulatory milestones were still achieved by embracing an adaptive approach to the changing environment. 1 2 1 2 confirmed that a promulgation date had not been planned yet and that the department’s structural proposals made by CTFA are still under consideration. CTFA will continue to engage with the NDOH to gain clarity on the way forward. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT FORESTRY & FISHERIES (DEFF) In late 2020, the industry saw various draft regulations proposed by DEFF to which CTFA submitted commentary on behalf of the industry. These included the following: - Inventory of Endocrine disruptors - Inventory of Environmental Persistent Pharmaceutical Pollutants and Management Action Plans in South Africa - Draft Regulations to Prohibit the Production, Distribution, Import, Export, Sale and Use of Persistent Organic Pollutants - Consultation on Draft regulations to domesticate the requirements of the Rotterdam Convention on the Prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international trade. CTFA attended workshops with DEFF to represent the concerns raised by the industry on the relevant regulations. SOUTH AFRICAN BUREAU OF STANDARDS (SABS) SABS/TC 217 – Cosmetics CTFA represents the industry at the SABS technical committee. CTFA motivated for the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) microbiological test methods to be adopted by SABS for use by the industry to ensure consumer safety as well as harmonization with international best practice. Furthermore, CTFA motivated for an update to the SANS 10393:2008 Hair care standard, to further best practice and consumer safety of hair care products. CTFA also motivated for the list of standards to be reviewed for relevance and applicability for the industry. SABS/TC 229: Nanotechnologies CTFA changed its participation status to an observer member at SABS/TC 229: Nanotechnologies. This allows for CTFA to keep abreast with all the latest development in the field of nanotechnology, whilst still maintaining the opportunity to provide input into possible applications pertaining to the cosmetic industry. ADVERTISING REGULATORY BOARD (ARB) The Advertising Code of Practice-Appendix B was updated in 2020. This was made available to members on the CTFA website. The update was conducted taking into consideration NATIONAL DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (NDOH) The National Department of Health (NDOH) published the redraft of the regulations relating to Labelling, Advertising and Composition of Cosmetics, R.1469 in December 2017. CTFA engaged with the Deputy Director General of the National Department of Health (NDOH) in July 2020, where it was COSMETIC TOILETRY AND FRAGRANCE ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA 9